Back to search Add to basket Register/Login to access Central Otago Central Otago vines at Misha’s Vineyard over looking lake Dunstan Asset type image Asset extension JPG File size 6.3 MB Dimensions 4135×2752px ID 272363 Licence Licence Worldwide - unpaid media only Royalty free use worldwide in unpaid digital and print media. Expiry 01 January 9999 13:00 Release date 12 February 2015 Added at 06 September 2016 16:35 Source: New Zealand Story Toolkit Credit Misha’s Vineyard - Central Otago (Photo: Tim Hawkins) Additional reference: GLS_Mishas Vineyard Wines Ltd_90.jpg Location Queenstown Central Otago New Zealand View full term of use Tags Central Otago F&B Food and Beverage Food & Beverage Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Grapes Image Imagery Images Local Produce Mountains New Zealand North America Photo Photography Picture Pictures Produce Queenstown Rural Sea and Lakes Stills Vines Vineyard Wine
Licence Licence Worldwide - unpaid media only Royalty free use worldwide in unpaid digital and print media.
Central Otago F&B Food and Beverage Food & Beverage Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Grapes Image Imagery Images Local Produce Mountains New Zealand North America Photo Photography Picture Pictures Produce Queenstown Rural Sea and Lakes Stills Vines Vineyard Wine